Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (2024)

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Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (3)

  • Monday, 05 August 2024
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This article explores the use of theObsidianCrystal in spiritual practices, with an emphasis on its role in chakra energy alignment and healing.

A detailed guide is provided for beginners to understand the benefits and applications of this gemstone. The discussion includes chakra placement, cleansing methods, recharging techniques, as well as incorporation into feng shui practices.

The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview that will aid global readers in utilizing obsidian for spiritual growth.

All About Obsidian Crystal

Originating from rapidly cooled volcanic lava, the Obsidian gemstone is a potent crystal known for its powerful healing properties and its ability to stimulate personal growth.

In ancient times, it was utilized in various civilizations globally due to its versatility and unique physical characteristics. The stone’s composition of silicon dioxide and trace elements result in a lustrous black appearance that sets it apart from other crystals.

Its metaphysical attributes are significant; renowned for providing clarity, drawing out mental stress and tension, while promoting qualities such as strength, compassion, and insight. Scholars have noted a correlation between Obsidian usage and improved emotional well-being.

Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (4)

Benefits for Chakra Healing With Obsidian Crystal

In the realm of holistic wellness, use of this volcanic glass has been associated with promoting balance and harmony within the body’s energy centres. Known as Obsidian, it is believed to be a powerful tool for chakra healing.

1.Root Chakra:Typically linked with grounding energy, obsidian can help facilitate a connection to Earth energies.

2.Solar Plexus Chakra:It may aid in personal empowerment and self-discovery by cleansing negativity.

3.Sacral Chakra:Obsidian can stimulate creativity and passion by overcoming blockages.

4.Heart Chakra:It can promote emotional balance by releasing past hurts.

Obsidian Crystal Chakra Placement

Placement of obsidian on specific body locations during therapy is crucial for maximizing its potential benefits. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is typically associated with obsidian due to its grounding properties. By placing obsidian directly on this area, it can help balance energy and promote emotional equilibrium.

Worldwide, practitioners also advocate for the placement of obsidian on the forehead or between eyebrows (third eye chakra), citing enhanced clarity and insight into one’s life path as potential outcomes.

How to Cleanse Obsidian Crystal

Obsidian chakra stone, revered globally for its healing properties in physical and emotional realms, requires regular cleansing to maintain optimal potency.

The cleansing process can be summarized into four essential steps:

1.First, cleanse the stone physically with warm water.

2.Then, expose it to sunlight or moonlight for natural energy infusion.

3.Next, smudging is recommended; using sage or incense smoke to purify it energetically.

4.Finally, burying the stone in earth overnight aids grounding and rejuvenation.

Upon completion of these stages, the obsidian crystal should regain its original vibrational frequency and be ready for further use in spiritual growth and healing exercises.

How to Recharge Obsidian Crystal

To recharge the mentioned stone, you can expose it to sunlight or moonlight, rest it on rock salt, or put it with other high-energy stones. These methods have been found to effectively restore the energy levels of the obsidian.

-->Sun/Moon Light Exposure: Sunlight and moonlight serve as natural rechargers, revitalizing the crystal by infusing it with their energy.

-->Rock Salt Bed: A bed of rock salt is known to absorb any negative energy from the stone and replace it with positive vibrations.

-->High-Vibration Stones: Placing obsidian amongst high-vibration stones such as quartz helps to amplify its energetic properties.

-->Natural Elements: Burying an obsidian in soil can reconnect it with earth energies, further enhancing its power.

Through these mechanisms, one ensures optimized use of this chakra stone for spiritual growth and healing.

Feng Shui Practices With Obsidian Crystal

Feng Shui is recognized as an ancient Chinese art form that harmonizes individuals with their surrounding environment. The use of obsidian in these practices has been prevalent owing to its protective and grounding properties.

Obsidian can be strategically placed in homes or offices to ward off negative energy. It plays a crucial role when used in the wealth corner for prosperity enhancement. Its shielding nature aids in creating a peaceful atmosphere when positioned near entrances. Utilizing obsidian under pillows or mattresses promotes restful sleep by dispelling nightmares.

Types of Obsidian Crystals and Their Chakra

Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass that can come in various colors and varieties. Each type of obsidian has unique properties and can be associated with different chakras. Here are some common types and colors of obsidian and their typical chakra associations:

1.Black obsidian is a popular type of obsidian, often linked to the root chakra, positioned at the spine’s base. This chakra is associated with a sense of stability and security. Many believe black obsidian can aid in grounding and protection.

2.Snowflake obsidian, marked by white or gray spots, is linked with the root and third eye chakras. The third eye chakra relates to intuition and insight. It’s believed that snowflake obsidian can balance and purify this chakra.

3.Mahogany obsidian is a dark brown or red-brown type of obsidian. It’s commonly connected to the root and sacral chakras. The sacral chakra relates to creativity and feelings. Many believe mahogany obsidian can help balance and purify this chakra.

4.Golden sheen obsidian shines when light hits it from specific angles. Some believe that this stone is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal strength and confidence. They think the golden sheen obsidian can boost these traits.

5.Rainbow obsidian is linked to the root chakra (Muladhara) in some crystal healing and chakra systems. This chakra is connected to stability, security, and grounding feelings. Dark crystals like rainbow obsidian are selected for their ability to ground.

6.Blue Obsidian is usually associated with the throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is linked to communication and self-expression, and blue obsidian is believed to support clear and effective communication.

7.Green obsidian is sometimes associated with the heart chakra (Anahata). The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing, and green obsidian is thought to aid in matters related to the heart and emotions

8.Silver Sheen Obsidian may be associated with the crown chakra or the third eye chakra and used for spiritual and intuitive purposes.

9.Apache tear obsidian known to resonate with the base or root chakra, this gemstone is believed to ground energy and increase self-awareness. The stone’s frequency also aligns with the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and forgiveness.

10.Brown obsidian is often associated with the root chakra and sometimes the sacral chakra. It may be used for grounding, stability, and emotional balance.

11.Grey obsidian is typically linked to the root chakra, similar to black obsidian. It’s used for grounding and protection.

12.Orange obsidian may be associated with the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is connected to creativity and emotions, and orange obsidian is sometimes used to enhance these aspects.

13.Peaco*ck obsidian often associated with the base or root chakra due to its grounding properties. This association emerges from an analysis of geology and cultural practices across various global traditions.

14.Pink obsidian is sometimes linked to the heart chakra and is used for matters of the heart, including love, compassion, and emotional healing.

15.Purple obsidian may be associated with the crown chakra. It’s used for spiritual growth and may enhance one’s connection to higher consciousness.

16.Red obsidian is often associated with the root chakra. It’s used for grounding and is believed to boost physical energy and vitality.

17.Spiderweb obsidian, characterized by white web-like inclusions, is typically linked to the root chakra. It’s used for grounding and protection.

18.Velvet obsidian believed to have a strong connection to the root chakra. This grounding stone is believed to stimulate this primal energy center, thereby promoting emotional stability and resilience.

19.Yellow obsidian is sometimes associated with the solar plexus chakra. It may be used to enhance personal power and self-esteem.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Obsidian gemstone offers significant benefits for chakra healing and spiritual growth. Its strategic placement can effectively harmonize the body’s energy centers, promoting overall well-being.

Moreover, regular cleansing and recharging of this stone enhance its potential. The application of Feng Shui practices with Obsidian further augments its influence.

Therefore, understanding and utilizing Obsidian within these contexts can contribute significantly to one’s journey towards improved spiritual health and personal development.

All knowledge comes from Google < https://thegemlibrary.com >

What kind ofcrystalproducts that you can buy in our store?

Among the Crystal ornaments, you can buy below healing crystal products from Sparkling Artisan:

1)Crystal tree——click here👉Crystal Tree👈

2)Orgone Pyramid——click here👉Crystal Pyramid👈

3)Crystal ball——click here👉Crystal Ball👈

4)Diffuser stone——click here👉Crystal Diffuser Stone👈

Crystal tree Crystal Pyramid Crystal ball

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Previous Previous post: Amethyst Crystals – Everything you need to know

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    • Amethyst Crystals – Everything you need to know

      Posted on Monday, 05 August 2024

      Amethyst crystals are one of the world’s mostpopular gemstones andhave been in use for thousands of years. The believed healing properties of the stone are rather impressive and trace back to ancient Greek beliefs. In fact, the word ‘amethyst’ comes from the Greek wordamethystos, which means sober and alludes to the idea of maintaining a solid, sober mindset.

      If you lovepurple gemstones, or have always wanted to know more about amethyst, now’s your chance. We’ve rounded up everything there is to know about this regal gem, from themeaning of amethyst, to itshealing properties.

      What Is Amethyst?

      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (5)

      Amethysts forms in long, prismatic crystals in geodes or hollow rocks. Thesegeodes form when there are cavities in volcanic rock. As the rock cools, the mineral-saturated water, gases and volcanic material distil and crystallize. When these crystals harden, they form amethyst. Although generally more of a deeper purple, the stone can also have a reddish-purple tinge, or a very pale purple tinge that fades into a lilac.

      Natural amethyst has beenused for personal adornment for at least 2000 years, while synthetic version is far newer, and not as common.

      As the member of thequartzfamily characterised by their distinctive purple colour, amethyst has a hardness of seven on theMohs scale. Amethyst gems are durable, and this makes them ideal for all kinds of jewellery. You’ll often find amethyst in earrings, pendants, bracelets,and rings andit’s even cut tocreate bracelet cuffsor beads too.

      Due to its hardness and durability, the stone can be cut into a variety of shapes, making it all the more versatile. Faceted pieces, beds and cabochons are just a few of the more common cuts.

      You can find high quality naturally formed amethyst in Sri Lanka, Siberia, Brazil, Uruguay, Namibia and the Far East, as well as large deposits in Namibia, Australia and America. The largest cache of this gem is found in South America.

      When it comes to the price,the value of an amethyst stone depends on a number of factors, including the size of the stone and the depth of its colour.

      Varieties Of Amethyst

      Amethyst is available in a number of variants, each with their own unique purple colour to reddish-purple hues. Varieties of the gem include lavender amethyst, which is a lighter colour, as well as Canadian amethyst. The latter includes a red layer just beneath its surface, making the colour more vibrant. Other varieties of amethyst include ametrine, cactus quarts and Veracruz amethyst.

      Amethyst stones, whether synthetic amethyst or natural, are incredibly beautiful. The gorgeous purple colour of the stone can complement every look and can be set in almost any metal.

      Besides these varieties, amethyst also come inblue,chevron, andpink.

      Synthetic Amethyst

      Synthetic amethyst is available in the same shades of purple and reddish-purple as natural amethyst. However, synthetic amethyst is significantly cheaper and can be manufactured quickly too. This lab-made stone has been around for almost two decades now and has caused market prices of its natural counterparts to plunge significantly.

      Over the past two decades, it’s become easy to create synthetic amethyst. These stones are created so well and so close to what the natural ones look like that oftentimes, even gemologists struggle to identify which is synthetic amethyst and which is genuine. The synthetic tones are used in almost every kind of jewellery as they are also quite durable.

      Amethyst Meaning & Symbolism

      Natural amethyst stones are connected to the third eye and crownchakras. The purple colour to reddish-purple hues of amethyst has long been a symbol of peace, cleansing and calming energy.

      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (6)

      Natural amethyst stones are connected to the third eye and crownchakras. The purple colour to reddish-purple hues of amethyst has long been a symbol of peace, cleansing and calming energy.

      The crystals represent purification and connection to spiritual and divine beings. The meaning of amethyst is attached to serenity, understanding, trust and grace. Many cultures have linked spiritual overtones to this gem.

      Amethyst Healing Properties

      Amethyst is believed to have healing properties that protect the bearer against negative energies. Some believe that the stone’s calming properties produce soothing dreams by making us more in tune with the divine. The stone also brings clarity and peacefulness to the waking mind, as they help the mind flow freely in both the mental and metaphysical dimensions.

      In ancient times, it was thought that natural amethyst could purify the body of all toxins. Ancient Greeks believed that the stone protected the wearer from drunkenness and enabled them to keep a balanced mindset. Wine was sipped from goblets incorporating amethyst stones to prevent inebriation, and stones laid on the sick to draw out infection.

      What Are The Benefits Of Amethyst?

      Over and above the physical properties and benefits of amethyst, the stone’s purple colour is a natural tranquiliser. It is said to dispel rage, help manage fears and anger, and calm rage and anxiety.

      Other believed benefits of amethyst include the ability to alleviate sadness and grief and dissolving negativity. The colour of this gem is also connected to activating spiritual awareness, welcoming intuitive energies and enhancing one’s psychic abilities.

      What Does Amethyst Do Spiritually?

      Amethyst is held in high regard in spiritual circles. It can control evil thoughts, initiate wisdom and increase intelligence through a greater sense of understanding. The stone can help you apply your intellectual powers in challenging situations and think more clearly to make better choices.

      Thispurple gemis also thought to have wonderful, positive effects of creativity and imaginative powers by enhancing intuition. It empowers its bearers to embrace new ideas and to put their thoughts into action.

      What Bad Effects Can Amethyst Stone Have?

      Natural amethyst stones are said to have bad effects from time to time, but these are not common. Some of these effects include acne, dizziness, nausea, breast pain, water retention and abdominal bloating.

      Although rare, there are a fewsevere effects of amethyst. Migraines, pain in the abdomen and dermatological reactions such as a rough patch of skin or a slight rash may occur.

      Do Amethysts Fade?

      If left for too long in the sun or if exposed to any source of UV for an extended period, the amethyst colour will fade. Furthermore, if the stone is exposed to heat for too long, the purple colour is likely to fade.

      With proper care andcleansing of your amethyst crystal, the stone will last for quite some time. If it’s properly protected from harsh elements likeprolonged exposure to wateror sunlight, the colour is unlikely to fade.

      Can Amethyst Be Clear?

      In general, amethyst is ‘eye-clean’, which is a term used to describe a stone that’s free of inclusions visible to the naked eye. Authentic amethyst stones are likely to be quite clear in appearance, which is also an easy way to help tell if the stone is authentic or synthetic.

      Is Amethyst A Stone Or Crystal And What’s The Difference?

      The difference between a stone and a crystal is that a stone is made up of solid, non-metallic mineral matter. Crystals, on the other hand, comprise of ions, atoms and molecules arranged in repetitive patterns that make it solid.

      Amethyst is a memberof the quartz family. It is classified as a semiprecious stone, but can also come in crystal formation. The purple-coloured gem usually forms as a crystal lining withinbasaltrock.

      Amethyst – February Birthstone

      Amethyst is the traditional andmodern birthstone forFebruary. The stone is believed to strengthen relationships and gives the wearer more courage. It’s also a stone that brings clarity.

      Amethyst – The 6th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone

      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (7)

      Traditionally, each of themilestone wedding anniversariesare associated with symbolic materials that carry a deeper meaning. Amethyst crystals are the gemstone for the6th wedding anniversary. They provide a calming, relaxed energy to the couple as they enter their next year of marriage.

      For over 2000 years amethyst has been prized for its properties and its beauty. The gorgeous gem always makes a statement, whether in jewellery or displayed as a raw polished section of stone.

      All knowledge comes from Google < https://thegemlibrary.com >

      What kind of Amethyst products that you can buy in our store?

      Among the Crystal ornaments, you can buy below healing crystal products from Sparkling Artisan:

      1)Crystal tree——click here👉Crystal Tree👈

      2)Orgone Pyramid——click here👉Crystal Pyramid👈

      3)Crystal ball——click here👉Crystal Ball👈

      4)Diffuser stone——click here👉Crystal Diffuser Stone👈

      Read more

    • Rose Quartz Meanings, Healing Properties and More

      Posted on Monday, 05 August 2024

      Rose Quartz symbolizes love and compassion. This soft pink crystal is associated with universal love, healing, and enhancing relationships, including self-care and family bonds. Its believed to bring joy, abundance, and energy, supporting emotional and physical well-being. Rose Quartz is linked to the heart chakra, promoting love energy flow and strong maternal bonds. Its also considered beneficial during pregnancy for both mother and child.

      What Is Rose Quartz?

      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (8)

      The incredible Rose Quartz has a hexagonal crystal system, typically with a pale pink colour. With a translucent transparency, it is one of the most beautiful crystals. In some circles, the rose quartz crystal goes by the name of Hyaline Quartz. Because of its pale pink colour, it has a feminine feel and is often thought of as a soft pink quartz crystal.

      It was first made into jewelry thousands of years ago by the Assyrians somewhere in the region of 800 BC. Many civilizations have recorded its use, including the Greeks, Egyptians, and even the Romans.

      Sometimes people ask questions as to how rare this stone is. In fact, this is one of the most abundant types of minerals that are found on our earth. It is commercially mined in a number of places, including locations such as Brazil, Germany, Namibia, South Africa, and Madagascar.

      Because it is so abundant, the price of these gems is normally very affordable. You can easily add the stone to your collection, and fit it in well with various styles of jewelry. Earrings, necklaces, and bracelets are most common. This placement on a person’s body allows it to have the most enhanced healing properties.

      What Is The Meaning Of Rose Quartz?

      The pink quartz means love and compassion. It is a stone that you should always have near to you because of its universal love properties, and its ability to heal so many different things.

      If you can’t keep it close, it is a great idea to have it somewhere that is easily accessible allowing you to turn to it often. While many believe it is attached solely to romantic love, it is actually attached to all types of love, ranging from self-care to family bonds, to relationships between partners and spouses. It focuses on a soft brand of love, including even the healing powers of communication.

      Benefits And Healing Properties Of Rose Quartz

      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (9)

      The healing properties of rose quartz are typically attached to joy, abundance, love, and also energy. It is able to prevent heart attacks and thrombosis. By developing and improving your circulation system, it aids in ensuring your muscles can be strong and as smooth as possible.

      Throughout history, there are records of mothers-to-be making use of rose quartz during their pregnancies. People say that the pink crystal is able to protect the unborn baby as well as the mother throughout the 9 months of pregnancy.

      This is because of the strong feminine energy associated with this stone. It aids in love energy flowing freely, and it is also known to create incredibly strong bonds between a mother and her child.

      In many parts of the world, it is referred to as the Heart Stone, a fitting name for a stone with healing properties strongly linked to the heart. It can be used to assist with healing from trauma, or other emotional wounds. For those desiring more love to be a part of their lives, the stone can assist. This can be a focus on romantic love, but can also be other forms of love, such as compassion and friendship.

      How To Use Rose Quartz?

      The rose quartz crystal is associated with the throat chakra as well as the heart chakra. This stone is part of the Taurus and Libra Zodiac and has a deep association with the planet Venus. It has a vibration number of 7.

      One of the best ways to use this pink crystal is to put in place your own crystal program. By wearing it as well as by carrying it on your person, you should be able to align yourself quite easily with its powers. This will enable you to attract love into your space.

      Wear it in the form of jewelry, like a necklace, bracelet, or earrings. You can carry it in your pocket or in your purse, which will allow you to touch and even hold it if ever you have the need to. Also bring it into your living environment, possibly placing it on your desk or next to your bed. This will allow you to have a reminder all the time that love is around you and is in your environment.

      What Does Rose Quartz Attract?

      The pink quartz crystal has the ability to attract love. It attracts love into your world in all its forms; romantic love, but also friendship, nurturing, communication with peers and partners. It also has a strong association with self-love.

      The stone has been used in the past as a symbol of good luck. A person can use the stone to maintain youth and enhance beauty. It is also believed by some to have magical powers. The Romans even used this gem to symbolize ownership.

      How To Cleanse And Recharge Rose Quartz?

      To cleanse the stones so that you can get rid of negative energy, place it underwater for a full day. In order to recharge the crystal, leave it submerged in saltwater for at least 48 hours, or longer if at all possible.

      How Can You Tell If Rose Quartz Is Real?

      Real stones are normally lacking in good transparency and will be slightly opaque. It also normally has white streaks embedded in the actual crystal stone.

      How To Pair Rose Quartz Crystal?

      There are a number of crystals that pair very well with pink gemstones. It pairs with Ammolite. This is the stone of perfection. These stones together are able to create some amazing results.

      The pink stone does pair with Citrine, which is likely to bring adventure and new experiences into your life. Citrine is also known as the stone of good fortune and money.

      This pink quartz pairs with Chrysocolla, which brings the powers of expression and teaching into our lives. These stones combined will help to regulate energy that is in the universe, and bring it to the inner self.

      All knowledge comes from Google < https://thegemlibrary.com >

      What kind ofRose Quartzthat you can buy in our store?

      Among the Crystal ornaments, you can buy below healing crystal products from Sparkling Artisan:

      1)Crystal tree——click here👉Crystal Tree👈

      2)Orgone Pyramid——click here👉Crystal Pyramid👈

      3)Crystal ball——click here👉Crystal Ball👈

      4)Diffuser stone——click here👉Crystal Diffuser Stone👈

      Read more

    • Citrine: Meanings, Properties, Facts and More

      Posted on Monday, 05 August 2024

      November birthdays are often overshadowed by the upcoming holiday season, but the birthstone for this month is definitely worth celebrating. Citrine, a beautiful yellow gemstone, is the perfect way to brighten up the dark and dreary days of November.

      As a gift from the sun, citrine is said to bring warmth, energy, and joy to its wearer. In this article, well explore the history, meaning, and beauty of citrine, and why it makes the perfect gift for anyone born in November.

      What is Citrine?

      Citrine, a variety of quartz with a warm yellow hue, has been revered since ancient times for its decorative value and is believed to possess healing properties that provide a sense of calm and comfort.

      Its name derives from the Old French word for lemon, citron, and its warm color is said to be a gift from the sun, making it the perfect birthstone for brightening up a typically chilly autumnal month, November. It shares a history of mistaken identity with yellow topaz, and both are thought to carry similar powers.

      It is a popular gemstone known for its beauty and positive energy, and it has been used in jewelry and other decorative items for centuries.

      History of Citrine

      The historical significance of this yellow gemstone is evident in its use by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who crafted it into talismans, ornaments, and even weapon handles for protection.

      The stone was also believed to ward off snake venom and evil thoughts. Between 300 and 150 BC, citrines adorned the handles of swords and daggers in Scotland, not only for decorative purposes but also for protection.

      Is Citrine A Birthstone?

      Citrines have been highly valued for their remarkable beauty and dazzling appearance across various historical periods. As the birthstone for November, they also symbolize the radiant and energizing qualities of the sun, embodying the essence of vitality and life itself.

      The color spectrum of this November birthstone encompasses vibrant yellow shades and a multi-faceted clarity, serving as a representation of sound and the healthy mind-body connection.

      Citrine Crystal Meaning

      Citrine derives its name from the Latin term citrin,which highlights its clarity and pale citrus-like color. It is often referred to as a Sun Stonedue to its ability to retain sunlight and absorb its energy. The old French term for citrine, citron,draws a connection to the lemon fruit, emphasizing its autumnal shades ranging from light yellow to vibrant orange.

      Its symbolism of it is rooted in its ability to attract wealth and prosperity, making it a popular choice for those seeking financial abundance. As a stone of abundance and manifestation, it is believed to bring success and good fortune to its wearer, as well as encourage generosity and sharing of wealth. Its association with the sun also imbues it with a warm, uplifting energy that can help dispel negativity and promote positivity.

      Benefits & Properties

      • 1.Emotional Healing

      Citrine facilitates emotional healing by reducing sensitivity to criticism, inspiring creativity and self-expression, and promoting optimism for new experiences. As a powerful purifier of ones center, it helps to identify and heal issues of power abuse and feelings of helplessness.

      By releasing anger and negative feelings, deep-seated fears, and destructive tendencies, it opens the higher mind to accept joy in ones life and allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences and explorations. It raises self-esteem and enables one to understand what is necessary to resolve difficult situations, providing the courage and fortitude needed to take action.

      2.Physical Healing

      Natural Citrines physical healing properties are known to enhance the endocrine system, stimulate digestion, and promote healthy skin, nails, and hair. It is beneficial in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and reversing degenerative diseases, as well as balancing the thyroid and diminishing growths.

      It is also effective in eliminating infections of the kidney and bladder, treating bedwetting, and relieving menstrual and menopausal symptoms. It aids in short-term memory loss, stimulates nerve impulses, and strengthens intellectual faculties of concentration and wisdom.

      3.Chakra Balancing

      The balance and alignment of the bodys seven chakras are essential for maintaining optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It is a powerful energy amplifier that can aid in chakra balancing, particularly the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras, which are associated with personal power, creativity, and manifestation.

      Its gold ray also stimulates the Crown Chakra, allowing for synthesis between the intellect and the bodys total perfection. By using Citrine to channel pure Crown energy back to the lower chakras, one can increase mental clarity, and focus, and protect and direct the use of the creative Life Force in ones life.

      4.Feng Shui

      In the practice of feng shui, it is often utilized to enhance the flow of positive energy in the home.

      It can be used to activate the Tai Qi area, which represents health and well-being, and the Xun area, which is connected to abundance and wealth.

      It is also associated with the earth element, which represents stability and grounding, making it useful for those who feel ungrounded or anxious. Placing a piece of citrine in your wallet can encourage generosity and wealth retention, while wearing citrines can keep its positive energy with you throughout the day.

      Science of Citrine Stone


      Iron content is responsible for the coloration in citrine, which is extremely rare in nature and often achieved through heat treatment of other quartz varieties. The presence of iron in the quartz generates a range of tones from lemon yellow to shades of amber.

      Although natural citrine is almost always a pale-yellow color, the heat treatment process creates a beautiful golden hue that is highly sought after. The processed variety of citrine is less expensive and more common, while natural citrine commands a higher price due to its rarity and unique coloration.


      With a rating of 7 on the Mohs scale, it is a relatively hard mineral that is resistant to scratching and abrasions. This level of hardness makes citrine a durable gemstone that can withstand everyday wear and tear.

      How To Tell If Citrine Is Real?

      Fortunately, if you happen to have a magnifying loupe, spotting this fake is a breeze. Just take a close look at the stone under 10X magnification and keep an eye out for any bubbles. While genuine citrine can have some inclusions, you wont see them in the form of round bubbles.

      These bubbles are your best bet for quickly determining whether the stone is real or not, especially since glass shares similar properties with quartz and can be tricky to differentiate through simple tests.


      The rarity of natural citrine contributes to its high value in the gemstone market. The most sought-after color of citrine, a clear, radiant yellow-to-brownish-red, is particularly rare in naturally-occurring stones. Due to its scarcity, citrine falling into this category commands an even higher price tag than other natural citrine stones.

      Determining the Value of Citrine

      The Color of the gemstone is crucial, with vibrant and saturated hues being more valuable. Clarity is another essential aspect, as high-quality Citrine should be transparent and free from flaws. Treatment, such as heat enhancement, can affect its price. Market demand, influenced by trends and availability, impacts the value.

      The cut, craftsmanship, and carving of Citrine jewelry contribute to its worth. Carat and size are considerations, as larger stones may have higher mining costs. Also, the source of Citrine can impact its value, with certain locations producing higher-quality specimens that command a premium price.

      Sources of Citrine Crystal

      Natural citrine is primarily sourced from Bolivia, Madagascar, Mexico, Spain, and Uruguay. These countries are known to have the most abundant sources of the gemstone. It is often found in quartz veins and is usually a result of heat treatment.

      The process involves heating amethyst to a high temperature, which changes its color to a yellow or golden hue. However, it is important to note that not all citrine is natural, as some are produced by heating amethyst artificially.

      Citrine Jewelry

      Citrine jewelry offers a diverse range of options for adornment, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants, brooches, engagement rings, birthstone jewelry, cufflinks, and jewelry sets. These pieces showcase the beauty of Citrine gemstones, whether as a centerpiece or in combination with other stones.

      Celebrities & Royalties with Citrine

      In the early 20th century, Hollywood movie stars such as Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford were known to wear large and elaborate citrine jewelry during the Art Deco era. More recently, celebrities including Emma Watson, Kate Winslet, Naomie Harris, and Tara Reid have all been photographed wearing beautiful citrine jewelry at red-carpet events.

      However, it is not just Hollywood stars drawn to citrines beauty. Royalties around the world have also been seen wearing citrine jewelry. Queen Sirikit of Thailand owns a diamond and citrine tiara, Queen Sonja of Norway received a modern, metallic, citrine tiara for her 60th birthday, and the Luxembourg Royal Family also owns a collection of citrine-adorned jewelry.

      Popular Types of Citrine

      1.Ametrine: A captivating gemstone combining amethyst and golden citrine, creating a mesmerizing blend of hues in a single stone.

      2.Champagne Citrine: With a subtle champagne color, exuding elegance and sophistication. Not a real citrine, just a color term.

      3.Smoky Citrine: Characterized by its smoky brown color, adding a touch of earthiness to its charm, sometimes marketed as a Smoky Citrine but is actually a Smoky Quartz.

      4.Honey Citrine: A variety resembling the warm golden hue of honey, radiating warmth and positivity. Known as Honey Citrine but is actually a Honey Calcite.

      5.Madeira Citrine: Known for its deep orange-brown shade reminiscent of Madeira wine, this exudes richness and depth.

      Citrine vs. Other Stones

      Citrine vs Topaz: Citrine and topaz may appear similar in color, but they are distinct gemstones with different mineral compositions and properties.

      Citrine vs Smoky Quartz: While citrine and smoky quartz share a similar warm hue, they have different mineral structures and energetic qualities.

      Citrine vs Green Aventurine: Citrine and green aventurine differ in color and energy, with citrine offering a sunny yellow radiance while green aventurine exudes a soothing green hue.

      Citrine vs Carnelian: Citrine and Carnelian exhibit different colors and energies, with Citrine displaying a bright yellow glow and Carnelian showcasing a fiery orange-red hue.

      Citrine vs Golden Rutilated Quartz: Citrine and golden rutilated quartz possess distinct characteristics, with citrine featuring a pure yellow color and golden rutilated quartz showcasing golden needle-like inclusions.

      Final Thoughts

      Citrine, the November birthstone, is a stunning gemstone with a rich history and deep symbolism. Its sunny appearance and fiery energy make it a popular choice for jewelry and a cherished gift for loved ones. From its scientific composition to its spiritual properties, it is a gemstone that has captured the hearts and minds of people for centuries.

      The rarity of natural citrine only adds to its allure, making it a highly sought-after gemstone. However, modern technology has made it possible to create citrine artificially, which has led to some controversy within the gemstone industry.

      Regardless of its origin, it remains a gemstone that is valued for its beauty, meaning, and healing properties. Whether you are drawn to citrine for its aesthetic appeal or its spiritual significance, it is a gemstone that is sure to brighten your day and bring joy to your life.


      1.Who should not wear Citrine?

      Those with excessive anger or aggression should avoid wearing Citrine.

      2.What is the energy of Citrine?

      Citrine carries the energy of joy, abundance, and manifestation.

      3.Is Citrine good luck?

      Citrine is often considered a stone of good luck and success.

      4.Is it okay to wear Citrine every day?

      It is generally safe to wear Citrine every day, as long as it resonates positively with you.

      What kind ofCitrinethat you can buy in our store?

      Among the Crystal ornaments, you can buy below healing crystal products from Sparkling Artisan:

      1)Crystal tree——click here👉Crystal Tree👈

      2)Orgone Pyramid——click here👉Crystal Pyramid👈

      3)Crystal ball——click here👉Crystal Ball👈

      4)Diffuser stone——click here👉Crystal Diffuser Stone👈

      Read more

    • Peridot Stone: Meaning, Properties of this Green Gem

      Posted on Monday, 05 August 2024

      The peridot, or chrysolite, gemstone is part of the olivine family and is rich in magnesium. However, this green gemstone gets its gorgeous green color from the iron that it contains.

      The peridot birthstone for the month of August is almost poetic, as it comes with a change of season as well as a chance to celebrate life. It'salso the gemstone to give a loved one as a 16-year anniversary gift.

      Having said all of this, there'sa lot more to the peridot stone than meets the eye. Keep reading to find out more!

      What is a Peridot?

      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (10)
      This beautiful gem receives its name from the French word for gold,péridot. However, it is also said to have gotten its name from the Arabic word for gem,faridat.

      The gem forms part of the olivine family and is sourced from the peridotite rock. The peridot gemstone is found in meteorites, lava and within the earth'smantle. This implies that some of these peridot stones are ancient, with some saying that they are a by-product of the birth of our solar system.

      Adding to the mysterious appeal of this gemstone is that a robotic space probe brought back comet dust that had particles of peridot in it.

      This stone evendates back to ancient Egyptto around 300 BC and was mined on an island called Zabargad on the Red Sea. They referred to the stone asthe gem of the sunas a result of the beautiful yellowish-green hues. These stones were used to carve talismans. They were also collected as part of the Pharaoh'streasury.

      The ancient Romans referred to this stone asthe evening emeralddue to the green coloring that remains constant regardless of the lighting. Some of these stones are still on display in some of the world'smost famous museums.

      What is the Meaning of the Peridot Gemstone?

      The peridot birthstone is August'sofficial birthstone, as well as that of the 16 th wedding anniversary. In addition to being symbolic of these two milestones, the peridot crystals bring the wearer peace, rest, and health by promoting strength and balance. It'salso believed to boost your mood and improve creativity.

      In addition to these properties, the peridot has a metaphysical meaning . The stone has detoxifying properties as it stimulates the metabolism and liver. It can improve gallbladder and liver function as well as treat skin conditions and increase recovery time.

      Given the benefits to the liver and gallbladder, it is easy to see why many believe that the stone can treat digestive issues, allergies, weight management and improve nutrient absorption.

      Peridot also channels abundance and love, and emits a positive energy.

      The Properties of Peridot

      This gemstone is one of the few to only be found in one color. It'sa variety of olivine and is made of magnesium and iron, the latter of which gives the stone its signature olive green color.

      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (11)

      The peridot stone is found all over the world, although the best gem quality stones come from Egypt or Myanmar – although Pakistan has recently begun to uncover some impressive specimens too.

      In Arizona in the U.S.A., there is an abundance of the peridot. Unfortunately, these stones are of a more inferior quality. This does, however, make them more accessible and affordable, allowing more people the opportunity to wear the beautiful yellow-green peridot gem.

      Is Peridot a Rare Gem?

      While the peridot gem is beautiful, it'sunfortunately not rare. Due to their global distribution, peridots get mined in large quantities each year. The stone forms deep within the earth'scrust and is pushed to the surface after volcanic eruptions. They are mined in regions that include Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Burma, Vietnam, Pakistan, China, and the United States.

      Some peridot stones come to us from meteorites and comets and are known as extra-terrestrial peridots. These peridot stones are rare and are not easily sourced.

      What Colour is Peridot?

      The peridot gemstone is known for its greenish-yellow coloring and ranges from a solid green to green with hints of brown or yellow. Low-quality stones tend to be brownish while high-quality stones – more than 10 carats – have the finest colors which are green with no traces of yellow or brown.

      This stone is also the only gemstone to come in one color, with the intensity of the color determined by the iron content. Peridots with less iron are a darker shade of green and the most valuable. These gems are usually found in Myanmar and Pakistan.

      One of the unique properties of this gem is that the light will not alter the radiant green color. This has led to the gem being referred to as “gem of the sun” or “emerald of the evening”. In ancient Egypt, these gems were often mined at night as they were easy to find even in dark conditions.

      The Peridot is a Ray of Sunshine

      In ancient times, many people thought that the peridot crystals contained sun rays, giving off a beautiful color. While we know that this isnt true, this beautiful gem is truly exquisite and will add color to any piece of jewelry.

      All knowledge comes from Google < https://thegemlibrary.com >

      What kind ofPeridotthat you can buy in our store?

      Among the Crystal ornaments, you can buy below healing crystal products from Sparkling Artisan:

      1)Crystal tree——click here👉Crystal Tree👈

      2)Orgone Pyramid——click here👉Crystal Pyramid👈

      3)Crystal ball——click here👉Crystal Ball👈

      4)Diffuser stone——click here👉Crystal Diffuser Stone👈

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      Obsidian Crystals-Everything you need to know (2024)


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      Author: Ray Christiansen

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      Author information

      Name: Ray Christiansen

      Birthday: 1998-05-04

      Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

      Phone: +337636892828

      Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

      Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

      Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.